Today at ACWS – Newport, the sixth and concluding event of the 2011-12 season, ORACLE TEAM USA’s two AC45 crews practiced with the six other entrants in anticipation of tomorrow’s first race, scheduled for 12:00 pm EDT.
Below are quotes for use in stories from helmsmen Jimmy Spithill and Russell Coutts.
On his expectations of the racing:
We’ve got to get off the line well, be consistent and make fewer mistakes than the other guys. It’s a very challenging racecourse and the level is the highest I’ve seen it. One slip-up and you’ll be at the back.
On Newport:
Newport’s an amazing venue. It’s good for the sailors with good winds everyday so far and it’s great for the spectators. It should be pretty entertaining.
On trying to win the ACWS overall championship:
It would be easy to try and look too far to the end, but we’ll take one day at a time. We’ll try and do the big things right and be consistent.
On returning to the helm after a three regatta break:
In the practice racing we’ve been struggling. The competition is really, really tough. All the of the crews are well prepared. Boat handling-wise, tactically and across the board, the fleet’s tough. Realistically for us, if we can get in the top half of the fleet it will a tremendous achievement.
Obviously, we’re certainly hoping that Jimmy’s crew can win the first America’s Cup World Series title. Jimmy and crew are sailing well and sailing fast and making good decisions around the course. In the practice races, I’d say they are the form boat along with the Nathan Outteridge and Team Korea.
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