From Tuesday 25th September some the most glamourous classic yachts will get together once again on the French Riviera to guarantee sailors and spectators alike a unique show of beauty and sailing. For a whole week the magic will be back in the beautiful Bay of Cannes with the best international classic yachts competing in the 34th edition of the Régates Royales – Trophée Panerai.
Sailing and social events
The Régates Royales de Cannes, the last and conclusive rendez-vous of world renowned Panerai Yachts Classic Challenge, will be a true and highly competitive sailing event. A golden opportunity to admire some of the most majestic and fascinating fleets, among which can be found some historical heritage yachts. But the show and fun will also continue throughout week ashore, where crews will gather in the old port to discuss the day’s racing and participate to the full programme of social events.
“High level racing, conviviality, seamanship and an ever cheerful atmosphere make the Régates Royales a rendez-vous everyone is looking forward to. Crews, skippers, sailors, volunteers and professionals, lovers of these beautiful boats meet for this very special occasion. The best boats will once again be present, making the event really unique. Big boats side by side with small ones, all united by sportsmanship and fair play. And after racing at the village everyone can enjoy the festive mood and take part to the numerous social activities.” Explains Jean-Claude Montésinos, President of the Yacht Club de Cannes.
The Regates Royales de Cannes Company has been masterminding over the past eight years all the activities that bring the Regates Royales festivities on shore alive. This year the party should be wonderful…” Declared Gérard Pascalini, the Régates Royales de Cannes Company Manager.
They will be there…
More than 80 boats are expected this year in Cannes, and among them famous ones such as: Nan of Fife, Avel, Moonbeam IV, Moonbeam of Fife III, Mariquita, Arcadia, Rowdy, The Blue Peter, L’Oiseau de Feu, Leonore, Cholita and Jessie who competed in 2011 return once again. After two years’ absence, this edition will also see the comeback of late Eric Tabarly’s Pen Duick boats. As always the Dragons will enliven the bay with a strong, competitive fleet of more than 40 boats and some of the best crews from all over Europe including current defender, Guiseppe Duca from Italy on Cloud.
Besides being a catwalk of elegance and craftsmanship, the Régates Royales have always been a genuine sports event that keeps attracting some of the best sailors as well as a huge public. With racing close to the coast these magnificent yachts will beyond doubt offer a great show as nobody can resist the appeal and beauty of these ladies of the seas.
As tradition and for everyone’s pleasure, the Régates Royales - Trophée Panerai thanks to their intense social programme, with music concerts, prizegiving ceremonies and exhibitions open to the public will cheer up the pontoons of the Vieux Port from September 22nd to 29th.
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