As the continental winter takes hold in old Europe, the yachting world begins to set off for the magical shores of the Caribbean. This is an ideal moment for the organisers of Les Voiles de Saint-Barth to meet up with competitors, lining up for the fourth edition, scheduled to take place between 8th and 13th April 2013.
Last week, the Canaries were home to several hundred yachts of all sizes and from a wide range of countries. The Maxi Yachts, which set off from Tenerife and the elegant racing cruisers in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers are currently sailing towards the islands, looking for an opportunity to enjoy fine races celebrating the eternal spirit of yachting, where the camaraderie of seafarers is at home with the competitive spirit.
Some fine contests ahead
Maxi-Yachts, IRC 52s, Racing spinnaker and Racing non-spinnaker boats, multihulls and classic yachts… they are all invited to join one of the six classes competing in Les Voiles de Saint-Barth. At the moment, registrations are going well and everyone is pleased about the prospect of the fine competition that lies ahead, for the Maxi Yachts, of course, but also for the mighty IRC 52s, where the strength of the American boat, Vesper will be under pressure from some newcomers. There has been a pleasant surprise in the Classic boats with a Star from the Mediterranean classic yacht circuit competing, the Bermudian cutter, The Blue Peter, a masterpiece designed by Alfred Mylne, which since her launch back in 1930, has won a multitude of titles and trophies. Everywhere she has raced, her fine lines impress with their elegance and efficiency.
The eternal spirit of Yachting
“People come here, because they enjoy it so much,” stresses François Tolède. “They have a passion for their boats, for their crew and for those moments of sheer excitement that our waters offer them, with windy conditions being the norm and some breathtaking scenery. The friendly atmosphere you find ashore results from this passion, as everyone is just so happy that they want to share their emotions. All we do is to provide them with a setting with festive events held ashore…Live music, firework displays, fun race village, with a cheerful atmosphere is the watchword, and all that in addition to the islands charms recognised for its French hospitality, which never fails to win over all those visiting. Once they have got a taste of Les Voiles de Saint-Barth, they always want to come back for more.”
Photo Credit: Christophe Jouany
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